Welcome to the Friends of Watertown

'It is better to give than to receive...into that which you truly believe.'

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Greater Good, Civic Duty, Collegiality.

We are a Civic organization whose members, on a volunteer basis, work to foster, promote, and further the fulfillment of the charitable, cultural, educational, and local economic needs of the elderly, minor children, and the handicapped.

The Friends of Watertown also strives to serve the chronically ill who have gone into isolation for fear of getting sick and as a result, have lost their social network.

We also seek to include primary caretakers who have been forced to leave their jobs to take care of high-risk family members or those who have lost employment due to the overall economic downturn.

We are a Civic organization whose members, on a volunteer basis, work to foster, promote, and further the fulfillment of the charitable, cultural, educational, and local economic needs of the elderly, minor children, and the handicapped.

We strive to have collegial fundraising events, the proceeds from which will support our charitable work. This duality drives the effort of the Friends of Watertown. We are collegial in our fundraising efforts. Our fundraisers are fun and relaxing whether they be dinners, dances or BBQ’s.

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Traditions touch us, they connect us, and they expand us.

Rita Barreto Craig


These Have become times Quarantine, Fear, Economics Uncertainty and Societal Polarization.

We must now work to maintain our cherished tradition and/or begin new one and not allow them to diminish. Our good work will re-strengthen stalled, lifelong relationship and friendship.

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